This past weekend we met up with over 60 other kids and family members to learn about the rocks and land formations in our area as presented by a ranger from Rocky Mountain National Park.
This particular January Saturday morning was cold and cloudy but not brutally cold. A large group of families gathered in the 4 Acre Outdoor Education Center of Big Thompson Elementary where we were surrounded by hills, rock outcroppings, and massive rock ridges. We all learned about sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous rocks. Then the children played a fun outdoor game about rocks.
We then took a very short hike up the road to take a closer examination of the types of rocks in our own area. This was an amazing way to spend a Saturday morning as a family. We learned new things which led to new discussions, spent some time with other people in our community who also have a love for our local geology, and of course the kids laughed and played.
If you are in Northern Colorado be sure to join us April 23, 2011 for a similar experience which will focus on the birds in our area. If you live somewhere else inquire with local State and National Parks or other nature programs for what outdoor children education programs may be available.
it is so fun to learn our the things in our own back yards! Gives things, such as rocks, a more special meaning!