Monday, January 31, 2011

The Wonder of Wild Animals

First of all, I am not a fan of zoos. I hate the idea of humans taking wild animals out of their natural environments to put them in cages where we line up to look at them. Having said that, it is pretty amazing to have the opportunity to see animals from all over the world and share that experience with our children.

This weekend we were just taking it easy without any real plans. I thought I might take the kids on a short hike outside of town but I learned through the magic of Facebook that the Denver Zoo was having a buy one get one free day and how could we pass up this opportunity to get outside, see all types of animals, and learn a little bit about the natural world.

I definitely prefer a day out away from crowds where you might catch a glimpse of some deer, elk, a fox, or some squirrels but it is hard to beat the amazement that children experience when they see a giraffe, an elephant, or a monkey.

My favorites are definitely the large felines but the girls love giraffes and turtles. In the end we spent a couple of hours walking around in fresh air, we experienced these amazing animals up close, and we enjoyed a day together as a family.

Don't forget to check out your local zoo for a great learning experience and a great day outside. If you are near Denver, CO the Denver Zoo has some Free Days coming up on Sunday February 6th and Saturday February 19th.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Just Get Out!

While I am a huge supporter of submerging a child in nature by going for a nice hike, snowshoe, or weekend camping trip, sometimes the schedule of daily life just doesn't allow for it. You can still get your children outside for some fresh air, exercise, and some discovery.

Yesterday I had about 30 minuets between errands that I was running with my daughter. We made a quick stop at a local playground where she enjoyed the swings, slide, and playground equipment but also she felt the warm sun on her skin, breathed some fresh air, examined some native plants, and imagined shapes out of the clouds. 29 minutes later we were in the car rushing to the next appointment but taking the time out of our day allowed her to really have a few moments of joy.

No matter where you live there is probably a playground nearby. Even the largest cities have there little places for discovery.

A few months ago we visited Austin, Texas. We were doing some things downtown and the kids were losing interest fast. We discovered a small play structure on the second level of the Whole Foods headquarters building. We sat in the shade and listened to our children laugh and play right in the middle of this city.

So when you are rushing around about your daily life be sure to stop and find even a few moments for playing outside. And be sure to ask around. You never know when you will find a hidden gem like the Park above Whole Foods in Austin, Tx.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Ideas for keeping kids excited about a day in nature

Sometimes parent need to have a few tricks up their sleeves to keep kids engaged in nature. While most children have fun exploring the outdoors they do lose interest and get tired of hiking. One thing that we do in my own family is to give the kids each a nature journal.

In the car on the way to the trail head the kids can have a small journal or notebook and a pen. We often ask the kids to draw pictures of what they hope to see out on the trail today. My girls usually draw giant trees, rivers, birds, and deer or sometimes they draw the things they hope not to see such as bears and snakes.

Once we are out on the trail the girls keep their journal and pen easily accessible in their own backpack. Whenever they complain about being bored or tired we ask them if they have found anything they would like to draw in their notebook. Every once in a while we will take a break to write or draw in our journals.

The nature notebooks not only give the kids an activity to keep them motivated but it also allows them to create memories of the things they find in nature without taking the natural object home. We have traced leaves and rocks then left them in nature for others to enjoy. This matches the Leave No Trace ethics which I think is very valuable for kids to learn and understand.

At the end of the day your child has had a great hike, learned about new things, created memories, developed their art skills, and has created a special journal of their own. Chances are your child will have had so much fun that they may ask when they get to go hiking again.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Outdoor Education Series: Local Geology

Here in Loveland, CO we are lucky to have Big Thompson Elementary School of Nature & Science for our elementary aged children. We also have Rocky Mountain National Park just up the road. These two amazing resources have partnered together for an education series perfect for the whole family.

This past weekend we met up with over 60 other kids and family members to learn about the rocks and land formations in our area as presented by a ranger from Rocky Mountain National Park.

This particular January Saturday morning was cold and cloudy but not brutally cold. A large group of families gathered in the 4 Acre Outdoor Education Center of Big Thompson Elementary where we were surrounded by hills, rock outcroppings, and massive rock ridges. We all learned about sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous rocks. Then the children played a fun outdoor game about rocks.

We then took a very short hike up the road to take a closer examination of the types of rocks in our own area. This was an amazing way to spend a Saturday morning as a family. We learned new things which led to new discussions, spent some time with other people in our community who also have a love for our local geology, and of course the kids laughed and played.

If you are in Northern Colorado be sure to join us April 23, 2011 for a similar experience which will focus on the birds in our area. If you live somewhere else inquire with local State and National Parks or other nature programs for what outdoor children education programs may be available.

Friday, January 21, 2011

The Cycle of the Sun and Moon

Are you trying to come up with things in nature that interest your children. One thing that our family enjoys is talking about and following the cycles of the moon and sun. The moon is always changing. It is in a different spot in the sky and is larger or small at different times of the month.

It sounds really simple but most people in our society have no idea where the moon is in its cycle. They may notice the full moon but don't stop to check out the beautiful crescent moon. My kids are fascinated knowing that the moon is actually not giving off light but is simply reflecting the light for the sun. Also the idea that the moon is circling around the Earth while the Earth is circling the sun is a fun discussion with little kids.

The sun rise and sun set is also a very beautiful time of day. Depending on the clouds and current weather patterns the sky may be a combination of pink, purple, and red. It is easy to take a break once a day from your hectic schedule to enjoy the sun set with your children. Teaching your children about the cycles of the sun and moon is really easy. The sun rise and sun set are things that your child can see everyday.

Teaching them to simply take a moment to enjoy it is the easiest way to get your child to see how nature is working around them. You'll be amazed at the questions these simple actions will lead to. But don't worry if you don't know the answer. Just tell you child that you want to find the answer together. Type their question into Google and learn about the wonders of nature together.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Father Daughter Snowshoe

Like most kids, my daughters aren't always excited about going for hikes or other outdoor activities. Cold weather doesn't make the battle any easier but I have found that once I get them outside they start asking questions, naturally find things to do, and begin the enjoy themselves.

On this particular day I was determined to get my daughter out in some snow. We live on the Colorado Front Range where it is often warm and dry during the winter but deep snow is a short drive away. We grabbed our snowshoes and headed for Rocky Mountain National Park where we were sure to find plenty of snow.

When we pulled into the parking lot at Bear Lake it was snowing and the wind way blowing directly in our faces. My daughter told me again that she didn't want to do this. She just wanted to go home. I stayed positive and assured her that we were going to have a bunch of fun once we got out there. We put on our hats and gloves and walked straight into the wind.

Once we got to the trail head and had our snowshoes on we didn't think about the cold. We quickly got to the lake and walked right out onto it. In the deep snow it wasn't easy to tell that we were walking on a lake. I stopped, brushed some snow out of the way to show my daughter the ice and she was amazed. She lit up and asked question after question about how a lake freezes, what the fish do, and if we were in danger.
We saw animal tracks, examined our own tracks, threw snowballs, and even climbed on rocks. A few times we started to feel cold so we ran a little ways. It doesn't take long to warm up when you are running in snowshoes.

As we headed back to the car she was feeling cold but was too busy talking about how much fun we were having to worry about some cold fingers. Back at the house she told her mom and sister about the ice, snow, and how much fun we had. She was reluctant to go out in the cold but in the end she had a great time, learned a little about nature, shared some laughs with her father, and made some valuable memories.

Don't let your child's petty complaints stop you from spending time in nature as a family. You'll all enjoy the time together, learn a lot, and each time it will be easier and easier to get them excited about nature.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

A Winter Walk

This time of year it is easy to find excuses to stay inside. It's cold, snowy, and the sun sets so early in the evening. Many families get in the routine of coming come from school and going straight to the T.V., computer, and video games. It is easy to increase your 'screen time' without really thinking about it.

My kids may complain at first about going out in the cold but once they are out exploring they don't feel the cold anymore. They are running around and next thing you know they are taking off their hats, gloves, and even wanting to take off their coats.

It doesn't take much time for a child to discover a fun new game once they are surrounded by nature. A stick quickly becomes a writing tool, sword, or a magic wand. Animal tracks in the snow lead to many questions about what kind of animal passed through here, what they were doing, and where are they now.

We are lucky to live on the edge of town where the current lack of development has left a few open fields just a short walk out of our door. You don't have to make a weekend trip to a National Forest just a stroll down the street, a trip to the neighborhood park, or an afternoon in your own backyard can lead to a really fun time for children and hopefully a connection to the nature they discover.

Occasionally they discover things that don't belong in these open spaces such as trash or even a discarded car tire. The questions my kids ask about how and why the trash was left in this open field lead me to believe that humans naturally know right and wrong about littering but some adults forget the importance of these natural places as they grow up. The chance to have these conversations with our children are priceless.
Make a commitment to yourself to get your children outside this winter even if only for a short time. Remember, you can always rush in for some hot cocoa. I guarantee it will be worth it.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Nature and Science School

My wife and I made the decision this year to drive our daughter, Magnolia, all the way across town to attend a school with a Nature and Science focus. We had been up in the air about the best educational choice for our daughter but after learning about Big Thompson Elementary and its 4 acre outdoor classroom, worm composting bins, school garden, and beautiful natural setting, we knew this was the school for us.

This week I had my first chance to really check it out when the school asked for parent-helpers to help with a special outdoor education day. The teacher took attendance then sent the kids out to the Outdoor Education Center where the first graders enjoyed learning about insects by going on a real bug hunt.

We followed grasshoppers, ants, and beetles. We watched a huge spider who had caught a grasshopper in its web. We watched a black and blue wasp carry a dead spider into a safe grassy spot. We examined bees covered in pollen moving from flower to flower. We even talked about and built habitats for insect to live in using the natural materials all around us.

After lunch we studied seeds. We dissected lima beans to see what was in a seed then searched all over our Outdoor Classroom trying to figure out how plants distribute seeds. We saw seeds in the bear scat, saw seeds blowing in the wind, and picked sticky seeds off our clothing.

The kids and adults had a blast in this beautiful outdoor setting. We all learned a lot and became more connected with our local surroundings. The entire experience was so awesome. Thank you Big T. and Colorado State University Environmental Learning Center for providing these kids such a great educational experience.
