Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Nature Bingo: A Kids Nature Activity

Looking for a fun activity for your children to do in nature? Have you tried Nature Bingo? Nature Bingo is a fun and easy activity that is suitable for preschoolers through elementary ages children. This fun nature activity will have you kids busy searching for items in nature. It is like a nature scavenger hunt but when you find something you simply draw a picture of it and leave it behind for others to enjoy.

First, follow the link and print this page or make your own to suit the natural items you might find in your neck of the woods.

Then take your children to any natural area and send them out hunting for the items. When they find something on the page like a special rock, a pine cone, animal tracks, or a certain flower then have your child draw what they found right on the page.

Just like Bingo, if you get any four in a row you win. If you get four in a row then try and find as many more as you can.

This activity makes an afternoon in nature more fun and kids will learn more about the items they find and you can discuss what these items are doing in nature. Then my kids always enjoy looking over their drawing on the car ride home and talking about all the fun things we found. Drawing really makes the items come to life your your child's eyes and helps them remember more of what they experienced.

Go ahead, give it a try. Use mine or make your own.

Another option with younger children is to use pictures or clip art in the boxes and just have them search for items and check them off. For young children identifying items in nature is plenty fun but if the child can draw I recommend doing as described as above.

Have fun!

Print my game card here.

Make your own here.


  1. Love this! We always take nature walks (easy exercise, child-led, and relaxing after a day of work in the office!), but this adds a cool element of FUN. It's slowly but surely warming up around here. We'll try this out!

  2. this is really cool for the kids...makes them enjoy the hike that much more!!

  3. thanks! i'll definitely use this activity with my kids and the school club! thanks for sharing!

  4. Thank you for the comments. This a fun activity for everyone. Let me know how it works out for your little ones.

  5. This is great! Could bring it along on a hike or to the park. We could even do it in our own backyard! A different take on the scavenger hunt. Love that.

  6. Hey! Using your Nature Bingo card with Namaqua Outdoors. We'll put it in our nature journals we are making. The only thing I changed was 'animal feces' to 'animal scat' to teach the kids the common name for animal poop! Your list is a great one! I'll let you know how it goes.
