Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A Great Day in Nature: Follow Your Child's Lead

This weekend we were planning on a quiet day around the house. My girls were playing with a couple girls from the neighborhood when they came running into my office screaming, "Daddy, Daddy, can we have a picnic at the park?"

I wanted to get out and enjoy the nice weather but I wasn't quite prepared for a picnic. I thought I gave some general answer like most parents do just to put them off a bit. Something like, "Maybe later." The girls went in the kitchen made peanut butter sandwiches for all the kids, grabbed some strawberries, and found some girl scout cookies.

I was shocked to walk into the kitchen to see 4 girls holding a bag full of their packed lunch, a blanket, and a plastic ball and bat. They all had sunglasses on and were ready to go. Who was I to hold them back from their day in the sun. I grabbed the dog and followed the girls to the park.

I spend a lot of time planning hikes, snowshoes, camping trips, and other outdoor activities. I carefully assess the weather and pick the best trails and open spaces depending on the conditions. But I must say, it was a blast to just go along for the ride. The kids made the plan, picked the activity, picked the destination, and led the way.

I quietly sat in the grass as the girls played on the playground, ran around playing a 'dolphin tag' game, played Simon Says, ate a picnic lunch, and laughed till it hurt. When they were ready to go home I followed them back.

This was one of the most fun days we've had in a while. All I did was stay out of the way. I learned that sometimes you just have to let the kids take charge. If I had said we are going to the park for a picnic they probably would have moaned and said they didn't want to go. But when it is their idea it is all smiles and good times.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Ideas for Keeping Kids Excited about a Day Outside: Bring a Friend

The best way to get a child excited about doing something in nature is to bring a friend. This is also the best way to prolong a day in the wilderness. One child or even a child with their sibling is much more apt to whine and want to go home than a child with a good friend.

Just like an adult brainstorming exercise, a group of people together can come up with much greater ideas than one person can on their own. Ideas seem to run wild and children take one idea and build upon it until soon they've spent ours playing in nature and still aren't ready to go home.

This past weekend our family of 4 met another family of 4 at Rocky Mountain National Park for an afternoon of snowshoeing. We all had a blast and heard much less complaining about the cold from the kids than if we had gone alone.

There are times when it is great to spend time alone in nature with your kids but it is also very important for your child to share the experience with other children. Sharing your favorite natural places with your friends also helps other get out more often. If we are going to have a real impact on the future generations we must get as many kids as possible into nature. So the next time you head out, grab the neighbor kid or invite an entire family to join you.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Winter Warm Up

Here in Northern Colorado we have had a very nice mid winter warm up with temperatures in the 50's and 60's with sunny days. The snow seems to disappear so quickly but this leads to yet another fun outdoor activity... playing in the streams and puddles. As a parent our initial reaction is to tell the kids to stay out of the puddles or out of the street but there is actually a lot of fun a child can have if they explore these temporary streams.

There are so many discoveries to be made with these simple streams. Your child's imagination will run wild but some fun games include...

  • What floats or doesn't float
  • Why do some things seem to move faster than others
  • If you block (or dam) a stream the water finds another way around
  • Where is the water going? Where does it go after that? After that?
  • Where did the water come from?
  • Create splashes or ripples in ponds.
  • Place rocks in a stream. How does it affect the flow (rapids)
  • Do rocks look different or change color when they are wet?
  • Step in the water then walk on dry pavement to make footsteps. Compare sizes of footprints.
There is an entire afternoon of fun and discovery flowing right by your house. Don't be afraid to play in the water and see what your children will come up with.

"Every stone we lay effects the course of the river" ~ Nat Keefe

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Childhood Memories

Think back to your fondest childhood memories. Where were you and what were you doing?

I remember riding bikes through a forested bike path, waking up in a tent to the sound of owls, skipping rocks on the lake, learning to water ski, washing dishes at a campsite, climbing trees, following deer, fishing with my grandpa, swinging in a tree swing, hiding in a corn field, sledding on the golf course, planting a garden, and building forts.

I do remember the television shows I loved as a kids, the original Atari games that we had, and some popular movies of my childhood but none of those things come to mind when someone asked about my best or fondest memories.
My family was pretty in tune with the outdoors. We went camping when I was young, we went for lots of bike rides, enjoyed fishing, one set of grandparents had a ski boat, my other grandparents took me camping in their RV, and I had a large back yard with many trees but I would guess that most people would look back at their outdoor and nature experiences as fun times.

That is a big part of what this site is all about. I know that the best moments in my life all happened in nature and I want my kids to experience it and I want others to do the same. If I encourage one person to take their children outside to explore, all of this will have been worth the effort.

If you agree that getting children into nature is something that is important please pass this post on to a friend, invite other people with children to join the Kids Loving Nature Fan Page, or just call up a friend and ask them to grab their kids and meet you for a hike. Together we can teach the next generation the power of nature.

Stay Warm

Obviously in cold weather we tend to spend more time inside where we are comfortable and warm but adults and children need to continue getting fresh air, exercise, and connected to nature even through the winter months.
If you bundle up with plenty of layers you can have some fun times outside in the snow before you have to go inside and warm up. My kids love running around the house in summer dresses and bare feet all winter long but they know that when we go outside it takes layers of clothing to have a good time. Here are some suggestions on necessities for keeping little ones warm:

Good Base Layers. Depending on the temperature you can go from just pants and a long sleeve to long underwear, pants, and long sleeve shirt plus an additional sweatshirt. The key is to know how cold it is outside but remember it is always easy to take a layer off but much more difficult to add a layer once you've left the house.

Water Proof Jacket and Snow Pants. If you are out in snow the kids are going to be in it. They will be covered in snow and need to stay dry. Water resistant pants may work but for wet snow or prolonged times in snow it is necessary to have water proof clothing such as Gore-Tex.

Warm Hat and Gloves. Yep. Just like mom used to say, "You lose heat from your head". It is important to keep the little ones ears warm as they tend to be one of the first things to really get cold. Water proof gloves are very important too. Cotton or wool gloves may work on a warmer day but water proof is a necessity if the kids are going to play in snow. Nothing will make them want to go inside quicker than cold fingers.

Warm Socks and Boots. We've got to keep those toes warm. A good wool sock will keep toes warm and dry much longer that a cotton sock and obviously a waterproof boot will keep your kids feet dry and warm.

If you take the time and spend the money on quality outdoor gear you and your kids will have a lot more fun and will be able to spend more time playing in nature.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Winter Fun

A massive winter storm has blanketed the country with deep snow and freezing temperatures. Many people have settled inside with the television or a book to sit by the fire. But what about those wild kids and their high energy. Children need to burn energy whether it is warm or cold outside. It doesn't take a lot of time to get some fresh air and burn some energy. You probably wouldn't want to spend all day outside but if you bundle up with hats and gloves you can make a stroll around the block enjoyable. The promise of hot cocoa usually keeps my kids walking.

The truth is there is some much to do in the winter. Just playing in a back yard leads to snow angels, snowball fights, icicle eating, snow fort building and so much more. My kids even like helping shovel the driveway which is always a big help.

Don't forget sledding, skiing, and ice skating for winter sports too. Once you get started everyone will have so much fun that they won't want to stop.

I took my 6 year old daught ice skating at a local outdoor mall a few weeks ago and we skated for 3 hours. She didn't want to stop. She just wanted to go around and around. It was special time for her and her dad to do something together.

So think outside the house and get your family outside this weekend.

Things to try:
  1. Make snow angels
  2. Follow animal tracks in the snow
  3. Make a snow fort
  4. Have a snowball fight
  5. Make a snow man
  6. Go ice skating
  7. Go snowshoeing
  8. Go sledding
  9. Take a winter walk in your neighborhood
  10. Put food coloring and water in a spray bottle and make designs in the snow

Feel free to add any other winter outdoor activities in the comments.